
Shoko Natori

If the eyes are the window to the soul, the desk, you could say, is the pathway into the mind of the creative. Being the nosy bunch we are, we asked a group of our favourite designers, PRs and friends in fashion to let us inside their offices to see how they work. Expect pristine desks from the finest vintage dealers, the best stationary about, and of course, the occasional bit of clutter. Fashion folk are only human, after all…Today we step into the space of legendary French footwear designer Christian Louboutin. 

10: Where did you buy your desk?

CL: My desk was designed by [modernist designer Jacques] Adnet. I bought it more than three decades ago at Drouot auction house in Paris. It’s the same desk I sketch on since our offices are settled here.

10: Do you like a tidy desk or a messy one?

CL: The picture speaks for itself… Let’s call it an organised mess. Ideally, I’d like it to be tidy but it’s not, and it doesn’t bother me. It’s organised for me but visibly messy for others.

10: What’s the most sentimental thing you have on it?

CL: Since she’s not with us anymore, I’d say the ring that Tina Turner gifted me.

10: What’s the proudest thing you’ve created while sitting at your desk?

CL: A shoe designed in collaboration with the National Institute for Zorig Chusum in Thimphu, Bhutan. It embodies the passion I have for this country, its arts and craftsmanship, but also the deep friendships I’ve got for some people living there.

Photography courtesy of Christian Louboutin. Keep your eyes peeled for more inductees to our Me and My Desk series. Taken from Issue 58 of 10 Men – ELEGANCE, GRACE, BEAUTY – out NOW. Purchase here.

